Waffle Insulation for H1 Compliance

H1 Compliant Waffle Foundations

Specifi now provides foundation solutions in compliance with the new building code changes relating to H1. The software now houses a range of insulated waffle foundation solutions suitable for all the different climate regions across the country.

Our engineering and software teams have completed and uploaded over a thousand details into Specifi for this update. This means our customers can choose from a wide variety of insulated solutions such as edge and/or under-slab insulation as required. They can also choose the extent of the insulation. This wide range of choice allows the best design for projects to be produced.

“The beauty of foundation design on Specifi is that it makes the designer's job much easier and they have preliminary documentation available in a matter of minutes.” Says Aidan Hynes, Specifi national manager. “There are various forms of foundation insulation so log on to Specifi to check out what solution best suits your needs.”